
Though we do not specialize in carpets, Azerbaijan is known for its excellent carpets and as we have built relationships around the country we have many friends who do know carpets and are willing to help with special orders. So if you would like help in purchasing a carpet and/or would be interested in special ordering a carpet, please feel free to contact us. Here are some of our favorite resources on the web for information about Azeri carpets:
Azerbaijan Rugs
Dugul Looms

About Us

A unique focus of coming alongside the vulnerable and struggling home business owners in rural areas to help them strengthen their communities and economies for long term sustainability.


In order to not be a burden on those that we are helping, funding for this project is from private donors. If you'd like to donate to this project please see your sponsoring non-profit organization (Norwegian Humanitarian Enterprise).

Enchanted Cottage

Enchanted Cottage
Fair Trade Store